BRISMES Trustee Dr Feras Alkabani celebrates the launch of his new book

On Wednesday evening, 6 November 2024, in the Havas Offices near King’s Cross, Dr Feras Alkabani was joined by academics, public figures, diplomats, policymakers and journalists, along with friends and colleagues to celebrate the publication of his new monograph, Richard Burton, T.E. Lawrence and the Culture of Homoerotic Desire, which has already received acclaim from leading figures in the field of Comparative Literature, including Prof Marina Warner, Prof Caroline Rooney and Prof Wen-chin Ouyang.
Image: Nigel Newton, Founder & CEO of Bloomsbury, introducing Dr Feras Alkabani & Prof Wen-ching Ouyang

The book is an innovative exploration of two British Orientalists seen from both an Eastern and a Western perspective – the first comparative study of its kind by a Syrian scholar.
Feras said, “Comparative literary studies formed the bases of postcolonial theory as Edward Said demonstrated to the world. The study of literature brings out a unique sense of nuance that enables us to understand complex geopolitical issues with different perspectives. At BRISMES, I want us to celebrate literary studies and have more representation of MENA literature and culture in BRISMES conferences and events.”
Image: Left to right, Prof Wen-ching Ouyang (SOAS), prominent Lebanese novelist Hanan Al Shaykh, Dr Feras Alkabani (Sussex) and Prof Caroline Rooney (Kent)

Feras will be holding a few book talks and related events nationally and internationally in the New Year.
Highlights from the evening can be seen here (courtesy of Violet Bennett):
Get 35% off the retail price with this discount code “GLR AT8” when you order the book directly from Bloomsbury via this link.
Image: Guests during the Q&A