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Recent news from the Society

Job Opportunity | BRISMES Conference Coordinator

We are seeking a part-time Conference Coordinator to provide administration for the BRISMES Annual Conference 2025. The Conference Coordinator will work closely with the BRISMES Manager and the Conference Committee.

Academic Freedom | Letter to the University of Lausanne about Prof. Joseph Daher

The Academic Freedom Committee of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES), of the Société des études du Moyen-Orient et du monde musulman (SEMOMM) and of the Società per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente (SeSaMO) have written to the University...

Call for Nominations for BRISMES President | Deadline Extended

BRISMES is still seeking nominations for a new President, who will play a leading role in the Society as President-Elect (2025-2026) and subsequently President (2026-2028). The deadline for nominations has been extended to Wednesday, 30 April, at 5 pm...

Academic Freedom | Letter Regarding the Cancellation of Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh's Lecture at UHI

The BRISMES Committee on Academic Freedom wrote to the University of Highlands and Islands to express deep concern at the cancellation of Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh's lecture “Sustainability and Biodiversity Preservation in Developing Countries”.

Call for Nominations | BRISMES Council Membership 2025-2028

BRISMES invites nominations for three vacancies on BRISMES Council, including one reserved for a candidate from the Arts and Humanities. The terms for these positions will be three years (July 2025-July 2028).

Academic Freedom | Letter Regarding the Free University of Berlin’s Cancellation of the Lectures by Francesca Albanese and Prof. Eyal Weizman

BRISMES Committee on Academic Freedom express condemnation of the Free University of Berlin’s cancellation of the lectures planned for February 19th by the UN Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, and the Israeli...

Call for Nominations | President of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies

BRISMES is seeking nominations for a new President, who will play a leading role in the Society as President-Elect (2025-2026) and subsequently President (2026-2028).

Academic Freedom | Letter to the University of Bristol Regarding its Decision to Appeal the Employment Tribunal's Judgement on the Dismissal of Professor David Miller

The Committee on Academic Freedom (CAF) of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) has written to the University of Bristol to express deep concern at its decision to appeal the employment tribunal’s February 5, 2024, judgement on the...