Submissions Invited for 2023 Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize

Submissions are now open for the 2023 Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize. This prize is awarded annually to the writer of the best PhD dissertation on a Middle Eastern topic in the Social Sciences or Humanities awarded by a British University in the previous calendar year. The current value of the prize is £600 for the winner and £250 for the runner up. The prize was established jointly in 1986 by the Leigh Douglas Memorial Fund and BRISMES in memory of Dr Leigh Douglas who was killed in Beirut in 1986.
Any student who has submitted their PhD dissertation on a Middle Eastern topic in the Social Sciences or Humanities to a British University in 2022 is eligible to apply. We recommend that submissions for this prize are made after completion of your viva in order to benefit from feedback from the viva panel, but applicants can make a submission before the viva if they wish. Please note that you can only submit your PhD dissertation once for this prize.
How to Apply
Submissions for the 2023 Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize are now open. To enter, please send the following to
- An electronic copy of your thesis
- A letter of nomination from your supervisor
Deadline: Midnight on 31 January 2023
Entering your thesis for this award does not preclude entering it for other awards.