Call for Nominations | BRISMES Council Membership 2025-2028

In the past few years BRISMES has undergone a democratization process, while simultaneously struggling for academic freedom in the Middle East, organizing numerous outreach events about topical issues, and launching a series of early career mentoring sessions. We are now inviting nominations from members for 3 vacancies on BRISMES Council (including one reserved for a candidate from the Arts and Humanities) to help us continue these activities. The terms for these positions will be three years (2025-2028). Please read the Job Description for Council Members before submitting a nomination.

Please note:

  • All nominations must have a proposer and a seconder (with interested members often nominating themselves and asking two other colleagues to second the nomination).
  • Proposers must have obtained the agreement of both the nominee and the seconder. 
  • Proposers, seconders and nominees must be members of BRISMES. Please contact Amy Brickhill, BRISMES Manager, at if you need to check your membership status.
  • Proposers are to provide a biographical summary of the nominee (around 250 words), which will then be circulated to members should an election be necessary. The election will be conducted online by secret ballot.  

Please use the nomination slip below to nominate a candidate. Completed nominations slips must be returned to the BRISMES Manager ( by 5pm on 31 March 2025.