Academic Freedom | Letter to German Federal Minister of Education and Research

Ms Bettina Stark Watzinger 

Federal Minister of Education and Research, Federal Republic of Germany 

Ms Bettina Klingbeil 

Head of Division - Academic Research, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Federal Republic of Germany 

Sent by Email: 

Dear Ms Klingbeil and Ms Stark-Watzinger, 

Thank you, Ms Klingbeil, for your letter of 31 July 2024, on behalf of Ms Stark-Watzinger, in reply to our letter of 23 May 2024. Unfortunately, however, your letter fails to address any of the points that were raised in our original letter, which is copied below for your convenience. These issues are of the utmost seriousness for academic freedom and freedom of expression in Germany, to which your ministry claims to be committed. However, a meaningful commitment to academic freedom and freedom of expression must ensure that these are upheld fully, consistently and fairly for all, without distinction. Given the series of events outlined in our earlier letter, we are profoundly concerned about your Ministry’s commitment to these rights, and to their equal application. 

We look forward to receiving a reply that engages with the issues that we raised. 

Yours sincerely, 

Professor Nicola Pratt BRISMES President

Dr Lewis Turner Chair of BRISMES Committee on Academic Freedom