2024 BRISMES Conference: Registration for Non-presenting Delegates Open!

2024 BRISMES Conference • Lancaster University, Lancashire • 1-3 July 2024

We are pleased to announce that registration for non-speaking delegates for the 2024 BRISMES conference “Proliferating Entanglements: Matter and Meaning in the Middle East” is now open until 10 June 2024.

Please see our conference programme, which includes over 70 panels and plenaries covering diverse topics that fall within and beyond the conference’s main theme. We look forward to the plenary “Gaza in the Face of Genocide” with guest speakers Mezna Qato, Rafeef Ziadah, Akram Salhab, Malaka Shwaikh and Nimer Sultany. We are also honoured to welcome our keynote speaker Professor Salwa Ismail (School of Oriental and African Studies), and look forward to her speech titled “The Politics and Matter of Liveable Lives in the Middle East”.

Please visit our conference website page to find out about the registration rates. For any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at conference@brismes.org.

We hope to see you in Lancaster!