2021 Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize winners announced

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2021 Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize for the best PhD dissertation on a Middle Eastern topic in the Social Sciences or Humanities awarded by a British University in the previous calendar year. 

Joint Winners:

  • Hannah Elsisi Ashmawi

Mu'taqal Machine: Power, Gender and Identity in Egypt’s Political Prisons, 1948-1981

(Merton College, University of Oxford)

  • Mattin Biglari

Refining Knowledge: Expertise, Labour and Everyday Life in the Iranian Oil Industry, c.1933-51

(SOAS University of London)


  • Valentina Zagaria

‘Burning’ borders: Migration, death and dignity in a Tunisian coastal town

(London School of Economics and Political Science)

Honourable Mention:

  • Haya Al-Noaimi

The ‘Protectors of our Nation’: constructing masculinities between protection and in/security in Qatar and the UAE

(SOAS University of London)

Congratulations to our prize winners and thank you to everyone who submitted their dissertations for consideration.