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Associate Professor in Byzantine History

The University of Oxford is looking for a proven scholar and talented teacher whose research and teaching specialism is in the history of Byzantium from c.500 to c.1500. Byzantine History in Oxford sits within a wider context of scholars from a number of disciplines who are working on other areas of Near Eastern and Middle Eastern history. Recruiters are particularly interested in applications from scholars who can build links between Byzantium and these other fields of research.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the Global Histories of HIV/AIDS Campaigning Turkey and the Middle East (University of Stirling)

The role holder will examine the history of the global connections of HIV and AIDS activists in Turkey (Türkiye) and/or any other part of the Middle East, particularly with HIV and AIDS activists in Europe, including the UK. The successful applicant could also possibly analyse the links between HIV and AIDS activists in Turkey to refugees from the Middle East staying in Turkey, or with activists in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Call for Applications | International Fellowships 2025

This programme provides support for outstanding early career researchers to make a first step towards developing an independent research career through gaining experience across international borders. Each award is expected to involve a specific and protected research focus with the award holder undertaking high quality, original research.

Arabic translator and editor for the Nahrein Network’s Kish Project

The Nahrein Network at UCL is recruiting a paid translator and editor to review and correct Arabic translations drafted by our Kish Project team and to undertake new Arabic translations. The work-from home position runs from April to August 2025. You must have the right to work in the UK and a UK bank account for payment. 

Hybrid Registration Open: GEOGRAPHERS for JUSTICE IN PALESTINE pre-AAG workshop

Registration is now available for hybrid attendance of the AAG pre-conference hosted by Geographers for Justice in Palestine. Please note there is a separate registration form for in-person attendance. 

To learn more about the programme and register for hybrid attendance, please check out the Google Form

For more information on the content, audience, and purpose of the pre-conference, as well as registration for in-person attendance, please visit the Geog4Pal website: 


Call for Applications | The Malek Sghiri Scholarship

The Malek Sghiri Scholarship is a full tuition scholarship for a summer-long group course at the Taa Marbouta Language Centre in Tunis, Tunisia. The scholarship is only available for the Arabic language but the student does not need to have any experience with the Arabic language; they can join classes at the beginner, intermediate, or advanced level. The grant covers language classes and internship/research support costs.

Call for Book Chapters | Intercultural Communication in Education

Fatemeh Faroughi and Ilona Dabney-Fekete (Editors), University of Debrecen

This call for papers invites exploration of the multifaceted implications of intercultural communications and intercultural education. Contributions may explore the impact of education in an intercultural setting, the impact of intercultural education on student attitudes and behaviour, and the challenges and solutions in implementing intercultural education programs.

Call for Applications | GINGKO

GINGKO provides grants to support academic research into the history, art history and religions of MENA. GINGKO also offers grants for people organising transformative interfaith and intercultural encounters between people from MENA and the West. Applications are invited for the following: 

Call for Applications | Nayef Al-Rodhan Book Prize

The Nayef Al-Rodhan book prize is awarded to an author working in the arena of transdisciplinary philosophy. This £20,000 Prize annually rewards the most original philosophical research that transcends academic disciplines. For this year’s edition of the Prize, submissions are welcome from publishers anywhere in the world. The books must be available in English, and need to have been published no earlier than January 1st 2022.

New MA Islamic Humanities (SOAS)

This new programme covers the social, cultural and intellectual history, religion, philosophy, literature and arts of the Islamic world, past and present. Students deploy inter-disciplinary humanities approaches to the study of Islam and the Islamic world and engage seriously with its production in the humanities not as an afterthought to the traditional humanities but as a source of critical insights for a global humanities. Challenging essentialist narratives, the programme fosters an appreciation of diversity – regional, cultural and religio-intellectual – within the Islamic world.

The programme is suitable for students of a diverse range of academic backgrounds and does not require prior knowledge of Islam or the Islamic world, nor proficiency in a language other than English.

The programme is also available with a language pathway. The MA Islamic Humanities and Intensive Language enables students to study one of a number of languages, including Arabic (beginners, intermediate or advanced), Persian, Turkish, Chinese, Indonesian and Swahili.

Book Proposals | Disruptions

The Middle East is experiencing major political transformations, some of which continue from the Arab uprisings of 2011, which invite historical and comparative examinations. The first of its kind, Disruptions publishes studies on the origins, nature, and impact of the ideas, events (uprisings, revolutions, protests), and actors (ordinary people, activists, intellectuals, or leaders) that are now disrupting the social orders in the region.

We welcome monographs and, in exceptional cases, edited volumes that offer novel theoretical and conceptual frameworks and/or empirical material generated from the region. Disruptions fosters the principle of pluralism in knowledge generation in the Social Sciences, and will be open to various theoretical and methodological approaches in Political Science, History, Sociology, Social Psychology and Middle Eastern Studies.

Book Proposals | New Book Series: Peace Politics in the Middle East

Peace Politics in the Middle East aims to present reflective and cutting edge research that provide a forum for critical debate between scholars and politicians from across the Middle East and beyond. The focus is on presenting solutions to seemingly intractable problems and situations, and to explain the ramifications of their potential implementation.

Peace Politics in the Middle East delivers texts which predominantly deal with the prevention, causes and resolution of wars, terrorism, genocide, and gross violations of human rights. The series will aim to provide in-depth understanding that can assist academics and practitioners to work towards building a just and peaceful system. It delves into substantial analyses of constructive relationships across ethnic, religious, class and gender that can contribute to peacebuilding and mutual coexistence.

Book Proposals | Critiquing Gender & Islam: Transnational, Intersectional and Queer Perspectives

This series approaches gender as a category of analysis, a platform of mobilisation and activism, an essential aspect of governance and a signifier of power relations that intersect with other inequalities. Encouraging interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies, Critiquing Gender & Islam mainly features empirically grounded work, including ethnographic, visual and discursive material. Sexuality and queer politics are important aspects of the series’ understanding of the politics of gender.

Book Proposals | Contemporary Turkey Book Series

I.B.Tauris and the British Institute at Ankara are seeking book proposals for the Contemporary Turkey academic book series. The Contemporary Turkey monograph series is a joint initiative by the British Institute at Ankara (BIAA), internationally renowned for its support of independent academic research, and leading publisher of Middle East and Turkish Studies I.B. Tauris, an imprint of Bloomsbury Academic.

The series publishes cutting-edge research monographs and edited collections from a new generation of scholars working on modern Turkey across the social sciences and humanities. In bringing to light new data and insights directly from the field, this series is distinguished by its emphasis on innovative approaches that challenge established ways of examining Turkey.

Book Proposals | Global Ethics

Under the direction of the new series editors, the Global Ethics book series seeks to advance research and conversation around a broad array of ethical issues in international and global matters. The editors are interested in publishing both monographs and edited collections from scholars, practitioners, and those engaged in civil society. These may include topics such as global governance, global health disparities, international intellectual property, climate change, economic sanctions, food security, civil and transnational conflict, and migration. Our particular interest is to provide a platform for scholars and practitioners from the Global South, and to host a dialogue involving diverse perspectives on issues of concern to the Global South.

The editors would welcome submissions of books, book proposals and inquiries about possible projects.

If you would like to add a vacancy, call for papers or any other relevant opportunity to this page, please email office@brismes.org with the details.

Database of Expertise

The Database of Expertise in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies provides a publicly available list of MENA experts with their research and areas of expertise.

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