BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship
This is an annual scholarship to support activities geared toward strengthening the academic profile and CV of an early career scholar. Two scholarships of £3,000 each are available.
Deadline: 30 April
BRISMES Conference Student Paper Prize
This prize supports BRISMES student members in the development of peer-reviewed work. The prize winner will receive £300 and will be mentored through a review process at the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (BJMES) by a senior member of the BRISMES academic community.
Deadline: 2 weeks after the end of the Annual Conference at which the paper was presented.
Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize
The Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize is awarded annually to the writer of the best PhD dissertation on a Middle Eastern topic in the Social Sciences or Humanities awarded by a British University in the previous calendar year. The current value of the prize is £600 for the winner and £150 for the runner up.
Deadline: 31 January
Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah Foundation / BRISMES Scholarships (2010-2019)
From 2010-2019 BRISMES offered scholarships supported by the Adbullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah Foundation. The purpose of these scholarships was to encourage more people to pursue postgraduate studies in disciplines related to the Middle East in British universities. Two scholarships of £2000 each were awarded each year. Recipients of the scholarships for 2019 are listed below.
Kaoutar Ghilani
(Univeristy of Oxford)
Working thesis title - Discourses of Failure: Arabisation and Nation-Building in Morocco
Sneha Reddy
(University of St Andrews)
Thesis title - 'North African and Indian soldiers in the First World War in Palestine and Syria, 1917-1923'
To view a list of recipients 2010-2018, please click the link below
Database of Expertise
The Database of Expertise in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies provides a publicly available list of MENA experts with their research and areas of expertise.
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